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A Message from Dr. Tina Payne Bryson

Some of you may know that I have been involved in Dr. Tina Payne Bryson’s professional training group.

Bryson and her writing partner, Dr. Dan Siegel, have a new book—THE YES BRAIN—coming out this week. It builds on their previous work, which you may already know about: the New York Times bestsellers, THE WHOLE-BRAIN CHILD and NO-DRAMA DISCIPLINE.

Dan and Tina have helped so many families through the years, and I’m delighted to get a chance to help spread the word about this new book.

(You can order it here!)

Thanks for taking a look, and feel free to share their book news with others. I know Dan and Tina would appreciate it.


Tina also took some time to review Hornets & Hippos, and to my delight she tweeted,

“Just read a wonderful workbook called “Hornets and Hippos” to help kids and their parents when worries get big. An empowering workbook by @margaret_Jessop.”

Super happy and thankful for her time and attention.

Happy New Year to you all.

Margaret Jessop, PsyD